The Importance of Good Photography for Websites

The Importance of Photography for Website Design

How crucial photography is to web design really cannot be overstated. Put simply, photos are the foundation of your web design. When you visit a website, the first two things your eyes will invariably be drawn to are videos and photographs. If you’d like to learn more about why photography is so important and how to implement it into your website, just keep reading.

The Best Ways to Implement Photography on Your Website

When our digital marketing agency begins working with clients on a web design process, we’re often asked, “Can we just use stock photos?” Our answer is: “Stock photos can be useful… but they’re still stock photos.” Most people can tell at a glance whether a photograph on your website is one that was specifically taken for your company or a stock photo found on a web resource.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use stock photos on your website, but it does mean that you should also make sure to take some pictures which accurately represent your business’s identity, values, and services. It’s important to incorporate custom, high-quality photos and videos on your website, which can then be supplemented with stock photos. Adding just a few unique photos to a website mostly comprised of stock images can drastically overhaul its look for the better.

If you are planning on a website redesign, we strongly recommend investing in a photo shoot. You don’t need to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a multi-day shoot, either; a half-day project with a skilled photographer will likely be sufficient to prevent your website from having a generic template feel.

An innovative new option that you may want to explore is photography generated by artificial intelligence. Several AI image generators currently exist, and these resources provide a good middle ground between generic stock photos and expensive custom photography. Feeding the correct prompts to AI photo generators can help them create beautiful custom images that are an excellent fit for your website design.

Improve Your Website with High-Quality Photography

Properly utilizing photographs can greatly improve the appearance of your website, making users more likely to stick around and become leads. Connect with NorthWing Digital today if you’re interested in learning more about the importance of photography in web design.