Why Your Law Firm’s Website Needs Optimized Practice Area Pages

Why Your Law Firm’s Website Needs Optimized Practice Area Pages

One of the biggest mistakes that many law firms make with their websites is failing to properly structure their practice area pages. Whether you’re a small firm with a couple of attorneys or a large firm with dozens of lawyers, structuring your practice area pages for improved search engine optimization will allow for better search rankings than your competitors. Continue reading to learn more about how to maximize the SEO value of your website’s practice area pages.

3 Ways to Improve the SEO of Your Practice Area Pages
  1. Create at least one page per practice area. Some law firms only have a single practice areas page on their website, where they list all of the fields of law that their attorneys practice, such as bankruptcy and family law. For improved Google Search rankings, it’s important that you have a designated page for each of your individual practice areas, linked from your top-level practice areas page. Keep in mind that Google does not rank websites as a whole; it ranks individual pages. For a page on your website to be the most relevant to a potential client’s search, it needs to be focused on the practice area they’re searching for.
  2. Create sub-pages within practice area pages. For example, if you have a family law practice page, you can improve the SEO value of your website by creating pages for specific areas of family law, such as divorce and child custody. Building out these optimized sub-pages will improve your Google Search rankings by making it easier for users searching for a specific area of law to land on your website.
  3. Optimize all practice area pages for target keywords and location. By making sure the meta information and written content of each practice area page incorporates the right keywords and is focused on the area in which your law firm practices, you can greatly increase the searchability of your website.
A Trusted Partner to Improve Your SEO

If you’ve been struggling to expand the web presence of your law firm’s site, structuring your practice area pages as outlined above is a great place to start. Give NorthWing Digital a call today if you’d like our help to improve the SEO value of your law firm’s website.

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