Google Ad Grant For Nonprofits – Digital Advertising Tips

How to Maximize Your Google Ad Grants Account

If you operate a YMCA or other nonprofit, then Google Ad Grants are a great way to digitally advertise your organization and generate traffic for free. Making the best use of your Google Ad Grants account requires strategically leveraging a few different tricks that you might not be aware of. Continue reading to learn how you can maximize the success of your Google Ad Grants.

Achieving Digital Advertising Success with Google Ad Grants Strategy

As a good starting point, mirror the structure of your paid Google Ads
account for your Google Ad Grants account, then supplement from there. One of the greatest opportunities that your nonprofit can capitalize on through Google Ad Grants is free branded search. Many companies debate how much they should invest in buying their own brand name to achieve search results. Google Ad Grants essentially allow you to do this for free, so you can invest your marketing dollars in other important areas for your paid search ads.

The next step your nonprofit should take is to expand targeting for internal initiatives or program areas that lack a dedicated budget. Since they’re free, Google Ad Grants are a great way to direct advertising to these areas that either have a low advertising budget or don’t have an associated budget at all. This allows your nonprofit to expand your overall targeting without adding these items to your paid account structure.

It’s worth noting that the goals of your Ad Grants account will likely differ from those of your paid ads account. With paid Google Ads, your company probably hopes to be as efficient as possible to maximize your ROI; with your Google Ad Grants, it’s best to capitalize on the lack of spend by casting as wide of a net as possible. By broadening the overall targeting of your Ad Grants account while staying laser-focused with your paid Google Ads, you can maximize the success of your digital marketing.

A Dependable Resource for Your Nonprofits’ Google Ad Grants Campaigns

Would your nonprofit like help to build a strategy that allows you to make the best use of your Google Ad Grants account? Reach out to NorthWing Digital today if you’d like to learn more about how to maximize your Google Ad Grants account.