Easy Law Firm SEO Win: Optimize Your Existing Articles

Existing Article Optimization: The Fastest Way to Improve Your SEO Presence

The fastest and easiest way to improve the SEO presence of your law firm’s website is to optimize existing articles and resources on your site. Do you have an old article or blog post on your website that is still getting thousands of visits years later? The likely reason for this is that this written content was very well optimized for high ranking on search engines. This may have been done deliberately or it may just be a happy accident as a result of the right keywords being used. Either way, it’s possible for your law firm to replicate this success by deliberately improving the search engine optimization of your old content.

How Optimizing Existing Articles Can Improve SEO

Many SEO strategies place all their focus on developing new content for a website. While this is crucial, improving the searchability of old content is also important, and can yield positive results more quickly. The nice part about improving the SEO of existing articles and resources is that the content is already written; the hard part is over, now all you have to do is touch it up for improved searchability. It’s important to set expectations: this process will not turn every old page on your site into a major traffic generator, but improving the search engine ptimization of each article increases its chances of attracting more search traffic.

This process begins with performing an audit of all the articles that are already on your law firm’s website and conducting keyword research to see where there’s room for improvement. Optimize the title tags and written content of these pages for better keyword usage, and then make sure to track the results of your efforts. If you’re lucky, an article that has been sitting dormant for several years may suddenly begin ranking highly for relevant search results and generating thousands of leads per week. Speed Up Your SEO Results The biggest downside to producing new SEO content is that it can take a long time to yield results; optimization of old web content can speed up that process. Connect with NorthWing Digital today if you’d like to learn more about how this process works and why it is valuable for your law firm.

Speed Up Your SEO Results

The biggest downside to producing new SEO content is that it can take a long time to yield results; optimization of old web content can speed up that process. Connect with NorthWing Digital today if you’d like to learn more about how this process works and why it is valuable for your law firm.

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