Do You Have a Sales Problem or a Marketing Problem?

Sales Problems vs. Marketing Problems: Which One Are You Having?

It’s a question that our agency gets asked all the time: “Do we have a sales problem or a marketing problem?” Both the sales and marketing processes are equally likely to have an issue leading to breakdown, so the best way to determine where the breakdown is occurring is to carefully review the steps of these two interconnected processes. Continue reading to learn more about how to identify issues hindering marketing and sales efforts.

Identifying Breakdowns in the Marketing-Sales Process

The basic three-step marketing process begins with strategization, followed by implementing these strategies to attract leads to a client’s website, and then converting these leads into contacts. Once this conversion happens, the sales process begins. This process involves quickly reaching out to the new contact, arranging a consultation with them, continuing to follow-up, and finally achieving a sale – the end goal of these two processes.

By closely examining each step in the marketing to sales process, it is possible to identify where breakdowns are occurring that limit your ROI. Sometimes, it’s a sales issue; for example, the marketing team may be generating tons of leads, but then the sales team is only answering customer phone calls half the time, losing those leads. Other times, it’s a marketing issue; sometimes, the sales team is giving an exemplary performance, but the marketing team is failing to attract the right leads for the company. By figuring out where breakdowns are occurring, your company can take the necessary corrective actions to make sure that your marketing dollars are leading to sales that are generating revenue for your company.

Do You Want to Learn More About This Process?

At NorthWing Digital, some of our most productive client meetings have involved working with our clients’ sales teams to break down each step of the marketing to sales process, identify at what stage issues are arising, and correct those issues as needed to improve our clients’ ROI. If you have any questions about this process or would like more insight into marketing/sales breakdowns, reach out to us today.

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