Best Questions to Ask a Digital Marketing Agency

What a Digital Marketing Agency Should Ask New Clients

At NorthWing Digital, when we’re talking with a potential client, we start our process by asking a lot of questions. When you talk to any web marketing agency about the services you need – whether it’s a digital marketing campaign, a website rebuild, or anything else – they should be asking you important questions. Be wary of any digital marketing agency that doesn’t start their process by asking questions to learn your company’s goals. The more a campaign is tailored to the needs of a client, the better it will perform; any reputable digital marketing agency should know this.

Are you thinking about hiring a digital marketing agency? Read on to learn about some of the questions you should be asked during an initial meeting to help you make the right choice.

Key Questions for Digital Marketing Agencies to Ask New Clients

When you first build a relationship with a digital marketing agency, the flow of information should go from you – the client – to the agency; not the other way around. If your initial conversation with an agency involves them telling you what you need to do or how you need to do it, that’s unlikely to be a good working relationship. Of course, there are infinite ways to structure a digital marketing campaign and every agency has a unique approach, but it is extremely difficult for any agency to build a winning campaign without gathering information from the client first.

One of the foremost important questions that a digital marketing agency should ask their client during a first meeting is “What have been your past marketing initiatives?” It’s important for a digital marketing agency to understand what you’ve done in the past, what’s worked, and what hasn’t. This is critical information that your agency needs to understand so that they can analyze the data in your accounts and determine what efforts have gotten results, what efforts haven’t achieved the desired results, and why that is.

If something has been working for a company, then a digital marketing agency should keep doing that and try to improve upon it. If something hasn’t worked, hopefully an agency will be able to dig into the data, find out why, and determine ways to change that.
The other most important question that a digital marketing agency should ask a new client is “What are your goals?” Even two clients in the exact same industry may have wildly different goals, depending on how fast they want to grow, how much business they want to bring in, and what success looks like to them. Learning a client’s goals is vital for a digital marketing agency to create a successful campaign strategy.

If a client doesn’t have a clear understanding of what their goals are coming into the conversation, the agency should try to turn that conversation into a collaborative discussion to determine a client’s goals and then figure out what strategies are going to help meet those goals. When this conversation does not occur at the beginning, a digital marketing agency may begin working toward a goal that differs from the client’s actual needs, necessitating a strategy reset.

The Right Questions Lay the Foundation for a Strong Campaign

If you’re considering reaching out to a digital marketing agency, it’s a good idea to have clearly defined goals in mind to ensure a successful campaign that achieves all those goals. Connect with NorthWing Digital today if you’d like to learn more about the process that leads to a good partnership between client and agency.