Benefits of Google Performance Max Campaigns

Benefits of Google Performance Max Campaigns

Google Performance Max is a new digital advertising system which many businesses are eager to adopt into their digital marketing campaigns. When utilized properly, Performance Max can be an incredibly effective tool that bolsters your digital advertising strategies. However, this system is not without its drawbacks, either. Continue reading to learn the pros and cons of Google Performance Max campaigns.

Pros of Performance Max

  • First and foremost, Google Performance Max makes it incredibly easy to set up digital advertising campaigns. Performance Max allows you to aggregate all of your information for your ads, including text, photos and videos, much more conveniently than prior advertising systems.
  • Your advertising costs will be decreased when using Google Performance Max. This system drastically reduces cost per click compared to traditional, manual advertising campaigns.
  • A Performance Max campaign allows you to take advantage of Google’s advanced machine learning. This machine learning is great at finding efficiencies and maximizing your advertising output for a lower cost.
  • Performance Max is a cross-platform system that extends your advertising reach by seamlessly combining multiple advertising channels into one. Performance Max consolidates Google Search, YouTube, Display, and other ads, allowing for a consistent flow of advertising across multiple channels, conveniently controlled from a single hub.

Cons of Performance Max

  • When you use Performance Max, you’re giving Google more control to direct your digital advertising using its machine learning. While you will still have some control over your ad campaigns, you won’t have as much as with a manual campaign.
  • Performance Max casts a wide net which will gain you business more qualified leads, but will also increase the amount of spam you have to sift through.
  • Due to Google Performance Max being automated, lead tracking is slightly less clear. Setting up accurate lead tracking within this system is still possible, but requires more knowledge and skill than setting up tracking in a manual campaign does.

Is Performance Max Right for Your Business?

At NorthWing Digital, we encourage our clients to give Google Performance Max a try if they’ve been seeking reliable new advertising channels. While there are a few potential drawbacks, Performance Max campaigns can be extremely beneficial for your business. Speak with NorthWing Digital today if you want help to figure out if a Performance Max campaign is a good fit for your business.

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